Have your FEMA Student Identification (SID) number available when you apply for training. If you do not have a SID number, go to https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid to obtain one.
Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response - PrepublicationFrom National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine
When communities face complex public health emergencies, state local, tribal, and territorial public health agencies must make difficult decisions regarding how to effectively respond. The public health emergency preparedness and response (PHEPR) system, with its multifaceted mission to prevent, protect against, quickly respond to, and recover from public health emergencies, is inherently complex and encompasses policies, organizations, and programs. Since the events of September 11, 2001, the United States has invested billions of dollars and immeasurable amounts of human capital to develop and enhance public health emergency preparedness and infrastructure to respond to a wide range of public health threats, including infectious diseases, natural disasters, and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear events.
ISBN: 9780309670388
Publication Date: 2021-04-14
Mass Casualty Incidents by Mauricio LynnThis manual is aimed to provide health care professionals, at the scene and at hospitals, as well as allied organizations, a practical and operational approach for planning the response to mass casualty incidents (MCI's), with emphasis to the types of events that are sudden in nature, resulting in a number of injured or contaminated patients that overwhelm the local health care system.
ISBN: 9781493934942
Publication Date: 2016-01-06
Medical Response to Major Incidents and Disasters by Sten Lennquist (Editor)This book, written by members of the core faculty responsible for European courses on Medical Response to Major Incidents (MRMI), is a practical guide for all medical staff on how to respond to a wide range of disaster scenarios.
Emergency Management by Jeffrey B. BumgarnerThis work is the first nontechnical guide to the principles, practices, policies, and profession of emergency management. The monumental natural and humanmade disasters of the 20th century, which killed 25 million people in Asia alone, have underscored the need for professional and coordinated disaster response worldwide. This book examines the profession and practice of emergency management in the United States, at the United Nations, and around the globe. Emergency Management explores the history and development of the discipline from the first federal disaster relief proclamation in 1803 to the present day. It also analyzes current debates over when and how emergency resources are best utilized, and the laws and public policies that govern emergencies. An essential source for secondary and college students, and for all citizens who want to understand emergency preparedness. Numerous primary source documents include key legislation as well as FEMA policies and publications A chronology lists major disasters in the United States along with key emergency management developments
ISBN: 9781598841107
Publication Date: 2008-01-18
Recent Trends in Control and Sensor Systems in Emergency Management by Roman Szewczyk (Editor); Denis Havlik (Editor)This book presents recent research advances on achieving seamless interoperability across all layers of communication channels in the context of emergency management and crisis response. It includes the outcomes of intensive discussions during the Workshop "Command, Control and Sensor Systems in Emergency Management" (EU C2-SENSE), which was held in Milan (Italy) from 4 to 6 July 2017. Major topics covered include analyses and practical guidelines for the development of physical and sensor layers; data analysis, visualization and management; and system integration. Moreover, certification guidelines and organizational interoperability issues are addressed.
ISBN: 9783319704517
Publication Date: 2017-11-02
Big Data in Emergency Management: Exploitation Techniques for Social and Mobile Data by Rajendra Akerkar (Editor)This contributed volume discusses essential topics and the fundamentals for Big Data Emergency Management and primarily focusses on the application of Big Data for Emergency Management. It walks the reader through the state of the art, in different facets of the big disaster data field. This includes many elements that are important for these technologies to have real-world impact. This book brings together different computational techniques from: machine learning, communication network analysis, natural language processing, knowledge graphs, data mining, and information visualization, aiming at methods that are typically used for processing big emergency data. This book also provides authoritative insights and highlights valuable lessons by distinguished authors, who are leaders in this field. Emergencies are severe, large-scale, non-routine events that disrupt the normal functioning of a community or a society, causing widespread and overwhelming losses and impacts. Emergency Management is the process of planning and taking actions to minimize the social and physical impact of emergencies and reduces the community's vulnerability to the consequences of emergencies. Information exchange before, during and after the disaster periods can greatly reduce the losses caused by the emergency. This allows people to make better use of the available resources, such as relief materials and medical supplies. It also provides a channel through which reports on casualties and losses in each affected area, can be delivered expeditiously. Big Data-Driven Emergency Management refers to applying advanced data collection and analysis technologies to achieve more effective and responsive decision-making during emergencies. Researchers, engineers and computer scientists working in Big Data Emergency Management, who need to deal with large and complex sets of data will want to purchase this book. Advanced-level students interested in data-driven emergency/crisis/disaster management will also want to purchase this book as a study guide.
ISBN: 9783030480981
Publication Date: 2020-09-15
Decision Aid Models for Disaster Management and Emergencies by BegoƱa Vitoriano (Editor); Javier Montero (Editor); Da Ruan (Editor)Disaster management is a process or strategy that is implemented when any type of catastrophic event takes place. The process may be initiated when anything threatens to disrupt normal operations or puts the lives of human beings at risk. Governments on all levels as well as many businesses create some sort of disaster plan that make it possible to overcome the catastrophe and return to normal function as quickly as possible.Response to natural disasters (e.g., floods, earthquakes) or technological disaster (e.g., nuclear, chemical) is an extreme complex process that involves severe time pressure, various uncertainties, high non-linearity and many stakeholders. Disaster management often requires several autonomous agencies to collaboratively mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover from heterogeneous and dynamic sets of hazards to society.Almost all disasters involve high degrees of novelty to deal with most unexpected various uncertainties and dynamic time pressures. Existing studies and approaches within disaster management have mainly been focused on some specific type of disasters with certain agency oriented. There is a lack of a general framework to deal with similarities and synergies among different disasters by taking their specific features into account.This book provides with various decisions analysis theories and support tools in complex systems in general and in disaster management in particular. The book is also generated during a long-term preparation of a European project proposal among most leading experts in the areas related to the book title.Chapters are evaluated based on quality and originality in theory and methodology, application oriented, relevance to the title of the book.
ISBN: 9789491216732
Publication Date: 2013-01-27
WebGIS for Disaster Management and Emergency Response by Rifaat Abdalla; Marwa EsmailThis book aims to help students, researchers and policy makers understand the latest research and development trends in the application of WebGIS for Disaster Management and Emergency Response. It is designed as a useful tool to better assess the mechanisms for planning, response and mitigation of the impact of disaster scenarios at the local, regional or national levels. It contains details on how to use WebGIS to solve real-world problems associated with Disaster Management Scenarios for the long-term sustainability. The book broadens the reader understanding of the policy and decision-making issues related to Disaster Management response and planning.
ISBN: 9783030038274
Publication Date: 2019-01-12
Public Health and Disasters by Emily Ying Yang Chan (Editor); Rajib Shaw (Editor)This book presents the health emergency and disaster risk management (H-EDRM) research landscape, with examples from Asia. In recent years, the intersection of health and disaster risk reduction (DRR) has emerged as an important interdisciplinary field. In several landmark UN agreements adopted in 2015-2016, including the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Paris climate agreement, and the New Urban Agenda (Habitat III), health is acknowledged as an inevitable outcome and a natural goal of disaster risk reduction, and the cross-over of the two fields is essential for the successful implementation of the Sendai Framework. H-EDRM has emerged as an umbrella field that encompasses emergency and disaster medicine, DRR, humanitarian response, community health resilience, and health system resilience. However, this fragmented, nascent field has yet to be developed into a coherent discipline. Key challenges include redundant research, lack of a strategic research agenda, limited development of multisectoral and interdisciplinary approaches, deficiencies in the science-policy-practice nexus, absence of standardized terminology, and insufficient coordination among stakeholders. This book provides a timely and invaluable resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, scholars, and frontline practitioners as well as policymakers from across the component domains of H-EDRM.
ISBN: 9789811509230
Publication Date: 2020-02-25
CBRN and Hazmat Incidents at Major Public Events by Daniel J. KaszetaSets forth what to do and what not to do to keep people and property safe Based on the author's more than two decades of managing core facets of emergency planning and response, this book enables readers to minimize the possibility of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) disaster or a hazardous material (hazmat) incident at public events. Moreover, it sets forth the tools needed to quickly respond to an incident in order to avoid or minimize casualties and damages. With its comprehensive approach, the book equips readers to plan for and manage a multi-disciplinary safety and emergency response team, including police, security, medical, military, and fire and civil protection personnel. CBRN and Hazmat Incidents at Major Public Events examines all aspects of security planning and emergency response, including: General planning and preparedness procedures such as initial considerations, response network development, and training and exercise Planning and preparedness for security and emergency response providers, including medical, fire, police, military, and VIP protection personnel Incident response, including initial response, detection and identification, and law enforcement Lastly, the author provides fourteen specific public event scenarios, explaining what to do and what not to do for effective emergency planning and response to CBRN and hazmat incidents. These scenarios also set the foundation for preparedness training and exercises. Throughout the book, sidebars summarize the author's extensive operational and managerial experience, helping readers focus on the core tested and proven strategies and techniques needed to prevent or mitigate the impact of a CBRN or hazmat incident. With its unique focus on CBRN and hazmats, this book is essential reading for all personnel charged with protecting lives and property at large public events.
ISBN: 9781118288191
Publication Date: 2012-11-28
Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement by Neil DuftyA detailed guide to the design and evaluation of effective disaster learning programs Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement provides a much-needed evidence-based guide for designing effective disaster learning plans and programs that are tailored to local communities and their particular hazard risks. Drawing on the most recent research from disaster psychology, disaster sociology, and education psychology, as well as evaluations of disaster learning programs, the book contains practical guidance for putting in place a proven design framework. The book outlines the steps to take in order to tailor a disaster education, communication and engagement program and highlights illustrative examples of effective programs and activities from around the world. The author includes information on how to identify potential community learners and presents a methodology for understanding the at-risk community, its hazard risks, disaster risk reduction, and emergency management arrangements. Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement describes both country-wide campaigns and local disaster programs that involve community participation. This important resource: Presents a detailed framework to guide the design and evaluation of tailored disaster learning programs Includes information that links disaster resilience with sustainability and climate change learning Describes the 'disaster cycle' and reviews learning content and methods related to the cycle Explains effective ways to combine disaster education, disaster communications, and disaster-related engagement Contains material on using new technologies such as gamification, virtual reality, and social media Written for emergency managers, students of emergency management, and humanitarian courses, Disaster Education, Communication and Engagement is a hands-on guide filled with ideas and templates for designing and evaluating targeted disaster learning programs.
ISBN: 9781119569794
Publication Date: 2020-06-08
Disaster Operations and Decision Making by Roger C. HuderThe only book to combine emergency management principLEs withproven military concepts Good disaster plans do not guarantee a good response. Anydisaster plan rarely survives the first rain bands of a hurricaneor the first tremors of an earthquake. While developing plans isessential, there must be systems in place to adapt these plans tothe ever-changing operational environment of a disaster. Currentlythere is no set of standard disaster response principles to guide acommunity. The National Incident Management System (NIMS) and theIncident Command System (ICS) provide the framework to implementoperational decisions, but they were never designed as operationalconcepts. The military has developed just such concepts and many ofthem can be adapted for civilian use. Disaster Operations and Decision Making adapts those militaryconcepts and combines them with disaster lessons learned to createa new opera-tional paradigm. Emphasizing team building, EmergencyOperations Center operational systems, and situational awareness,the book details easily adopted methods. All of these methods aredesigned to be incorporated into the NIMS and ICS framework toenhance a community's response to any type of disaster. Disaster Operations and Decision Making is an essential resourcefor emergency managers, fire chiefs, law enforcement officers,homeland security professionals, public health officials, andanyone else involved or interested in crisis management.
ISBN: 9780470927939
Publication Date: 2012-02-14
Industrial Security by David L. Russell; Pieter C. ArlowA comprehensive and practical guide to security organization and planning in industrial plants Features Basic definitions related to plant security Features Countermeasures and response methods Features Facilities and equipment, and security organization Topics covered are applicable to multiple types of industrial plants Illustrates practical techniques for assessing and evaluating financial and corporate risks
ISBN: 9781118194638
Publication Date: 2015-04-20
Major Incident Medical Management and Support by Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG)Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) is the coursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group's internationally taught training for health care professionals responding to major incidents. The practical approach employed in MIMMS has proved an invaluable aid to both civilian and military doctors, nurses and paramedics working in disaster management worldwide. The third edition has been fully revised to make MIMMS appropriate for the 21st century, with greater emphasis on human factors, a more structured approach to medical management, and new chapters on: Hazardous materials Incidents involving large numbers of children Management of a major incident with multiple burn casualties Mass gatherings Natural disasters There are also revised appendices covering responsibility for the dead, radio use, and voice procedures, and what to do beyond the immediate situation. Covering all eventualities in medical management during major incidents, MIMMS provides a comprehensive and practical guide for all who are involved in this aspect of emergency medicine.
ISBN: 9781444398236
Publication Date: 2012-01-31
Managing the Unexpected: sustained performance in a complex world by Karl E. Weick; Kathleen M. SutcliffeImprove your company's ability to avoid or manage crises Managing the Unexpected, Third Edition is a thoroughly revised text that offers an updated look at the groundbreaking ideas explored in the first and second editions. Revised to reflect events emblematic of the unique challenges that organizations have faced in recent years, including bank failures, intelligence failures, quality failures, and other organizational misfortunes, often sparked by organizational actions, this critical book focuses on why some organizations are better able to sustain high performance in the face of unanticipated change. High reliability organizations (HROs), including commercial aviation, emergency rooms, aircraft carrier flight operations, and firefighting units, are looked to as models of exceptional organizational preparedness. This essential text explains the development of unexpected events and guides you in improving your organization for more reliable performance. "Expect the unexpected" is a popular mantra for a reason: it's rooted in experience. Since the dawn of civilization, organizations have been rocked by natural disasters, civil unrest, international conflict, and other unexpected crises that impact their ability to function. Understanding how to maintain function when catastrophe strikes is key to keeping your organization afloat. Explore the many different kinds of unexpected events that your organization may face Consider updated case studies and research Discuss how highly reliable organizations are able to maintain control during unexpected events Discover tactics that may bolster your organization's ability to face the unexpected with confidence Managing the Unexpected, Third Edition offers updated, valuable content to professionals who want to strengthen the preparedness of their organizations--and confidently face unexpected challenges.
ISBN: 9781118862452
Publication Date: 2015-08-28
Personal Protective Equipment for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazards by Eva F. Gudgin DicksonPersonal protective equipment (PPE) is critical for those dealing with toxic, infectious, and radioactive materials. An easily accessible guide for professionals and researchers in all PPE fields, this book takes a fresh look at how PPE is designed, selected, and used in today's emergency response environment where users may need to be protected against deliberately used chemical, biological, or radiological agents in terrorism or warfare scenarios as well as more traditional hazards. Covering the physics, chemistry, and physiology of these hazards, the book explains how PPE protects from various forms of hazards as well as how to use this information to select PPE against these highly hazardous substances for first responder or military users. The design of PPE and components plus relevant performance and evaluation standards are also discussed.