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A Chronological Listing from the 1930s - 1980s

Title : A Reduction in the Amount of Blood Required for the Folin Microblood Sugar, Method.
Author: Jeghers, H and Myers, VC
Journal: J. lab Clin. Med.
Year: 1930
Vol. 15 Pages: 982
PMID: Not available

Title: The Dextrose Level of the Arterial and Venous Blood in Arthritis
Author: Robert M. Stecher, Harold J. Jeghers
Journal: Archives of Internal Medicine
Year: 1931 November
Vol: 48 Issue: 1 Pages: 801-807
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Weil's Disease: Report of a Case with Postmortem Observations and Review of Recent Literature
Author: Harold J. Jeghers, John D. Houghton, John A. Foley
Journal: The Archives of Pathology
Year: 1935 September
Vol: 20 Issue: Pages: 447-476
PMID: 07946
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Syndrome of Alkalosis Complicating the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer: Report of Cases With a Review of the Pathogenesis. Clinical Aspects and Treatment
Author: Harold Jeghers, Henry H. Lerner
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1936 June 18
Vol: 214 Issue: Pages: 1236-1244
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Arthropathia Psoriatica: Report of Case and Discussion of the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment
Author: Harold Jeghers, Leon J. Robinson
Journal: JAMA
Year: 1937 March 20
Vol: 108 Issue: Pages: 949-952
PMID: Not available

Title: Detection of Hyperproteinemia Due to Multiple Myeloma by Means of the Takata-ara Reaction
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
Year: 1937 January
Vol: 22 Issue: 4 Pages: 425
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Hyperproteinemia: Its Significance
Author: Harold Jeghers, Sydney Selesnick
Journal: International Clinics
Year: 1937
Vol: 3 Issue: 47 Pages: 249-280
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Night Blindness as a Criterion of Vitamin A Deficiency: Review of the Literature with Preliminary Observations of the Degree and Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency Among Adults in Both Health and Disease
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Annals of Internal Medicine
Year: 1937 March
Vol: 10 Issue: 9 Pages: 1304-1334
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Night Blindness Due to Vitamin A Deficiency: A Consideration of its Importance in Traffic Problems
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1937 January 14
Vol: 216 Issue: 2 Pages: 51-56
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Pylephlebitis of Extraportal Origin: Report of a Case With Review of the Literature
Author: Henry J. Bakst, Harold Jeghers
Journal: American Journal of the Medical Sciences
Year: 1937 MAY
Vol: 193 Issue: 5 Pages: 690
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Degree and Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency in Adults: With a Note on its Experimental Production in Human Beings
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: JAMA
Year: 1937 September 4
Vol: 109 Issue: Pages: 756-761
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: An Experiment in Human Dietary Night-Blindness
Author: George Wald, Harold Jeghers, Joseph Arminio
Journal: American Journal of Physiology
Year: 1938 September
Vol: 123 Issue: 3 Pages: 732-746
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Syndrome of Extrarenal Azotemia
Author: Harold Jeghers, Henry J. Bakst
Journal: Annals of Internal Medicine
Year: 1938 April
Vol: 11 Issue: 10 Pages: 1861-1899
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Value of Routine Blood-Protein Determinations Report of Results in 320 Consecutive Cases
Author: H. H. Shuman, Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1940
Vol: 222 Issue: Pages: 335-339
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Vitamin A Deficiency in Man: Its Consequence and Methods of Detection.
Author: Jeghers, H
Journal: Assoc. Bull. Internat. Assoc. Milk Dealers
Year: 1940, Feb. 12
Vol. 13, Page 303
PMID: Not available

Title: Some Recent Advances in Vitamin Therapy (The Max Bailin Memorial Lecture-Detroit, Michigan, December 11, 1940)
Author: Jeghers, H.
Journal: North End Clinic Quarterly
Year: 1941
Vol. 2, Page: 31
PMID: Not available

Title: Nutrition and Defense – Editorial
Author: Jeghers, H
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1941
Vol. 225, Page: 706
PMID: Not available

Title: Nutrition
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1941
Vol: 225 Issue: Pages: 687-697
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Nutrition: the Appearance of the Tongue as an Index of Nutritional Deficiency
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1942 August 6
Vol: 227 Issue: Pages: 221-228
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Riboflavin Deficiency
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Advances in Internal Medicine
Year: 1942
Vol: 1 Issue: Pages: 247-275
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Skin Changes of Nutritional Origin
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1943 May
Vol: 228 Issue: Pages: 678-686, 714-723
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Pigmentation of the Skin
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1944 July 20
Vol: 231 Issue: Pages: 88-100
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Diagnostic Significance of the Appearance of the Tongue in Systemic Disease
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Bulletin of the New England Medical Center
Year: 1945 February
Vol: 7 Issue: Pages: 9-14
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Practical Aspects of Oxalate Metabolism
Author: Harold Jeghers, Rosemary Murphy
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1945 August 16, 23
Vol: 233 Issue: Pages: 208-215, 238-246
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Vitamins in Present Day Treatment
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Medical Clinics of North America
year: 1945 September
Vol: Issue: Pages: 1294-1305
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Clinico-Pathologic Conference
Author: Charles F. Geschickter, Harold J. Jeghers
Journal: medical annals of the district of columbia
Year: 1947 October
Vol: 16 Issue: 10 Pages: 550-559
PMID: Not available

Title: Clinico-Pathologic Conference - Relapsing Fever
Author: Charles F. Geschickter, Harold J. Jeghers
Journal: Medical Annals of the District of Columbia
Year: 1947 May
Vol: 16 Issue: 5 Pages: 250-254
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Practical Considerations of Venous Pressure
Author: Hugh Hudson Hussey, Harold Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1947 November
Vol: 237 Issue: Pages: 776-782, 812-818
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Falciparum Malaria
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Bulletin George University Medical Center
Year: 1948
Vol: 1 Issue: Pages: 1-2
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title : The Variability of the Clinical Features of Gastric Cancer.
Author: Brick, I and Jeghers, H
Journal: Med. Ann. District of Columbia
Year: 1949
Vol. 18, Pages: 5-8
PMID: Not available

Title: Generalized Intestinal Polyposis and Melanin Spots of the Oral Mucosa, Lips and Digits: A Syndrome of Diagnostic Significance
Author: Harold Jeghers, Victor A. Mckusick, Kermit H. Katz
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1949 December 22
Vol: Issue: Pages: 993-1005
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Schema for the Diagnostic Study of Hospitalized patients I. Basic Workup of a Medical Case
Author: Harold J. Jeghers
Journal: The Bulletin of the Georgetown University Medical Center
Year: 1949 February-March
Vol: 2 Issue: 5 Pages: 155-1600
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: True Uremia and Extra-Renal Uremia
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Outline of a Lecture
Year: 1949 March
Vol: Issue: Pages: 1-4
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Generalized intestinal polyposis and melanin spots of the oral mucosa, lips and digits; a syndrome of diagnostic significance
Author: Jeghers H; McKusick, VA; Katz KH;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1949 Dec 22
Vol: 241 Issue: 25 Pages: 993-1005, Illust
PMID: PM:15399020
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Carcinoma of the Ampulla of Vater of Minute Size; an Unsuspected Cause of Obstructive Jaundice
Author: Kyle LH;Sparling HJ ;Jeghers H;
Journal: Arch Surg
Year: 1950 Aug
Vol: 61 Issue: 2 Pages: 357-371
PMID: 15426574

Title: Hazards in the Therapeutic Use of Morphine
Author: Jeghers H;Brick K IB;
Journal: Med Clin North Am
Year: 1950 Nov
Vol: 34 Issue: 6 Pages: 1761-1777
PMID: 14796097
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Intercapillary glomerulosclerosis: A Clinical and Pathologic Study. II. A clinical Study of 100 Anatomically Proven Cases
Author: Rogers J; Robbins SL; Jeghers H;
Journal: Am J Med
Year: 1952 Jun
Vol: 12 Issue: 6 Pages: 692-699
PMID: 14933447
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Treatment of Pyelonephritis
Author: Jeghers H;
Journal: GP
Year: 1952 Sep
Vol: 6 Issue: 3 Pages: 73-83
PMID: 12989355
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Selected Bibliography on Periarteritis Nodosa and Related Types of Angiitis
Author: Harold Jeghers
Year: 1953 November
Vol: Issue: Pages:
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Application of Hemodialysis to the Treatment of Barbiturate Poisoning
Author: Kyle LH; Jeghers H; Walsh WP; Doolan PD; Wishinsky H; Pallotta A;
Journal: J Clin Invest
Year: 1953 Apr
Vol: 32 Issue: 4 Pages: 364-371
PMID: 13052695
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Current Problems in the Management of Pneumonia
Author: Jeghers H; Alexander J;
Journal: Med Clin North Am
Year: 1953 Jul
Vol: 1 Issue: Pages: 1035-1057
PMID: 13062845
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Leptospiroses in the United States
Author: Jeghers H;
Journal: Bull New Engl Med Cent
Year: 1953 Jun
Vol: 15 Issue: 2 Pages: 61-71
PMID: 13051694
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Herpes Zoster
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: American Journal of Nursing
year: 1954 October
Vol: 54 Issue: Pages: 118-119
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: The Uremic Syndrome
Author: George E. Schreiner, Harold Jeghers
Journal: Lecture Bibliography
Year: 1954 January
Vol: Issue: Pages: 1-5
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Vitalizing Medical Education in Hospitals
Author: Jeghers H;
Journal: Hosp Prog
Year: 1954 Oct
Vol: 35 Issue: 10 Pages: 60-62
PMID: 13201107

Title: Practical Diagnostic Features and Clinical Implications of Situs Inversus Viscerum Totalis
Author: Jeghers H; Reffe W;
Journal: Bull Georgetown Univ Med Cent
Year: 1954 Sep
Vol: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 723
PMID: 13190299
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: An Experiment in Making the Hospital a Graduate Medical Center: A Preliminary Report
Author: Jeghers H; O'brien J; Butler J
Journal: JAMA
Year: 1955 May 28
Vol: 158 Issue: Pages: 245-252
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Medical Progress; Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Excluding Peptic Ulcer and Esophageal Varices) (continued)
Author: Irving B. Brick, Harold J. Jeghers
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1955 September 15 ,22, 29
Vol: 253 Issue: Pages: 458-66, 511-8, 555-6
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Excluding Peptic Ulcer and Esophageal Varices)
Author: Brick IB; Jeghers HJ;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1955 Sep 15
Vol: 253 Issue: 11 Pages: 458-466
PMID: 13253858

Title: Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Excluding Peptic Ulcer and Esophageal Varices)
Author: Brick IB; Jeghers HJ;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1955 Sep 22
Vol: 253 Issue: 12 Pages: 511-518
PMID: 13253868
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Excluding Peptic Ulcer and Esophageal Varices)
Author: Brick IB; Jeghers HJ;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1955 Sep 29
Vol: 253 Issue: 13 Pages: 555-560
PMID: 13253877

Title: Hemodialysis, an Effective Therapy for Acute Barbiturate Poisoning
Author: Berman LB; Jeghers HJ; Schreiner GE; Pallotta AJ
Journal: J Am Med Assoc
Year: 1956 Jun 30
Vol: 161 Issue: 9 Pages: 820-827
PMID: 13319014
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Hypervitaminosis A: Its Broadening Spectrum
Author: Jeghers H; Marraro H;
Journal: Am J Clin Nutr
Year: 1958 Jul
Vol: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 335-339
PMID: 13559160
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Regarding Medical Education Today
Author: Jeghers H;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1958 Oct 9
Vol: 259 Issue: 15 Pages: 718-720
PMID: 13590434
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Vitamin E
Author: Marraro H; Jeghers H;
Journal: Practitioner
Year: 1959 Jan
Vol: 182 Issue: 1087 Pages: 62-67
PMID: 13623583

Title: Panel Discussion
Author: Harold Jeghers
Journal: Academy of Medicine Bulletin
Year: 1960 December
Vol: 6 Issue: 5 Pages:
PMID: Not available

Title: External Manifestations of Internal Disease
Author: Rothberg H; Jeghers H;
Journal: Dis Mon
Year: 1960 Nov
Vol: 1960 Issue: Pages: 161
PMID: 13831227
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Panel Discussion - Artificial Renal Dialysis Symposium; Moderator, George Schreiner, Satoru Nakamoto, Morton H. Haxwell and Albert Tubin
Author: Jeghers, H
Journal: Academy of Medicine New Jersey Bulletin
Year: 1960, December
Vol. 6 Pages: 368-384
PMID: Not available

Title: Some Reflections on the Research and Therapeutic Aspects of the Artificial Kidney.
Author: Jeghers, H
Journal: Academy of Medicine of New Jersey Bulletin
Year: 1961
Vol. 7, Pages: 6-13
PMID: Not available

Title: Unsigned Editorial: A New “Specialist”.
Author: Jeghers, H
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1961
Vol. 266 Pages: 674-5
PMID: Not available

Title: Management of Uncomplicated Peptic Ulcer
Author: Groisser VW; Jeghers H
Journal: Med Clin North Am
Year: 1961 Nov
Vol: 45 Issue: Pages: 1459-1467
PMID: 13902107
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Differential Diagnosis of Syndrome of Primary Sore or Entrance Lesion on an Extremity, Regional (Satellite) Lymphadenopathy, Fever and Systemic Symptoms With or Without a rash
Author: William D'Angelo, Harold Jeghers
Year: 1962 March
Vol: Issue: Pages: 1-8
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (Annotated Bibliography)
Author: Harold Jeghers
Year: 1962 January
Vol: Issue: Pages: 1-27
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Medical Care, Education and Research. Philosophy and Technics of Self-Education of the Medical Student and Physician
Author: Jeghers H;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1964 Dec 17
Vol: 271 Issue: Pages: 1297-1301
PMID: 14214637
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Philosophy and Technics of Self-Education of the Medical Student and Physician.
Author: Jeghers, H
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Year: 1964
Vol. 271, Pages: 1297-1301
PMID: 14214637
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Clinical Investigation as an Integral Feature of Medical Residency Training
Author: Martin CM; Jeghers H;
Journal: J Med Educ
Year: 1965 Feb
Vol: 40 Issue: Pages: 75-83
PMID: 14247766
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: New Jersey College of Medicine some Reflections on Medical Education.
Author: Jeghers, H.
Journal: The Journal Year Book - Class of 1965
Year: 1965
Pages. 58-59
PMID: Not available

Title: Malaria: Annotations and Selected References with Emphasis on its Clinical Features and Selected other Aspects of Current World Interest
Author: Harold Jeghers, Yong Inu
Journal: Department of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
year: 1967 May
Vol: Issue: Pages: 1-16
PMID: Not available
Link: Click here to request the article

Title: Answers to Questions on the Jaundiced Patient.
Author: Jeghers, H.
Journal: Hospital Medicine
Year: 1967
Vol. 3, Pages: 7-23
PMID: Not available

Title: Tufts Medical Service-Boston City Hospital: Some Reflections of the past and Present Changes
Author: Jeghers, H.
Journal: Tufts Medical Alumni Bulletin
Year: 1969, November
Vol. 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 1-11
PMID: Not available

Title: Classification of Anterior Chest Wall Syndromes
Author: Calabro JJ; Jeghers H; Miller KA; Gordon RD;
Journal: JAMA
Year: 1980 Apr 11
Vol: 243 Issue: 14 Pages: 1420,1421
PMID: 7359705

Title: Kawasaki Syndrome
Author: Calabro JJ; Williamson P; Love ES; Kostylo F; Jeghers H;
Journal: N Engl J Med
Year: 1982 Jan 28
Vol: 306 Issue: 4 Pages: 237,238
PMID: 7054688

Title: Persistent Behavior Problems, Unconsciousness, Withdrawal Phenomena, and Complicating Diseases Which Result from Alcoholism Merit Treatment in the General Hospital
Author: Carroll M. Leevy, Esther Davidson, Harold Jeghers
Journal: Hospital Medicine
Year: unknown
Vol: Issue: Pages: 24-28
Link: Click here to request the article


Jeghers, H - Chapter in Medical Physics: 2; 1950 (ed) Otto Glasser, Year Book Publishers, Inc. Chicago
Skin Color in Health and Disease.

Jeghers, H - Vitamin A Deficiency in Internal Medicin (ed) Musser and Wohl, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 5th Ed., 1951, pp. 491-493.

Jeghers, H. - Scurvy in Internal Medicine (ed) Musser and Wohl, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 5th Edition, 1951, pp.493-498.

Jeghers, H - Rickets in Internal medicine (ed) Musser and Wohl, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 5th Edition, 1951, pp.498-501.

Jeghers, H - Vitamin K Deficiency in Internal Medicine (ed) Musser and Wohl, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 5th Edition, 1951 pp.501-503.

Jeghers, H - Vitamin # Deficiency in Internal Medicine (ed) Musser and Whol, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 5th Edition, 1951, pp. 503-504.

Jeghers, H - Skin Manifestations of Internal Diseases, pages 311-324 in Current Problems in Internal Medicine, Published by Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., November, 1952.

Jeghers, H and Edwards, E. - Pigmentation of the Skin- Chapter 30, pp. 666-712 in Signs and Symptoms, Edited by MacBryde, J.B. Lippincott Company, 3rd Edition, 1957.

Solnitzky, O., and Jeghers H. - Lymphadenopathy and Disorders of the Lympathic System - Chapter 23, pages 482-549 in Signs and Symptoms, Edited by MacBryde, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 3rd Edition, 1957.

Jeghers, H. and Edwards, E. - Pigmentation of the Skin, Chapter 33, pp. 858-908, in Signs and Symptoms, Edited by MacBryde, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 3rd Edition, 1957.

Solnitzky, O., and Jeghers H. - Lymphadenopathy and Disorders of the Lymphatic System, Chapter 23, pp. 469-536, in Signs and Symptoms, 4th Edition, Edited by MacBryde, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1964.

Jeghers, H. and Mescon, H. - Pigmentation of the Skin - Chapter 34, pp.855-899, in Signs and Symptoms. Edited by MacBryde, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1964.

Jeghers, H and Grosser, V - Oral Manifestations of Local and Systemic Disease with Special Reference to the Digestive Tract in Gastroenterologic Medicine, Chapter 29, Edited by Moses Paulson, MD., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1969, pp.611-640.

Solnitzky, O. and Jeghers, H. - Lymphadenopathy and Disorders of the Lymphatic System - Chapter in Signs and Symptoms - Edited by MacBryde - Revision for 5th Edition in press, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1970, pp.476-538.

Jeghers, H. and Edelstein, L.M. - Pigmentation of the Skin - Chapter in Signs and Symptoms - Edited by macBryde - Revision for 5th Edition in Press, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1970, pp.916-959.