IHI has educational videos to get you started. The Open School is FREE to residents. Select ENROLL to create an account. Make sure you put down that you are a student!!
-Browse Catalog, search for the course you want, need. You can choose specific, or use QI or GME to look for potential ones. See below for some recommendations.
QI 101: Introduction to Healthcare Improvement
QI 102: How to Improve with the Model of Improvement
QI 103: Testing & Measuring Changes with a PDSA Cycle
Institute of Medicine. 2000. To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/9728
To Err Is Human breaks the silence that has surrounded medical errors and their consequence--but not by pointing fingers at caring health care professionals who make honest mistakes. After all, to err is human. Instead, this book sets forth a national agenda--with state and local implications--for reducing medical errors and improving patient safety through the design of a safer health system.
Quality improvement (QI) is essential to achieving the triple aim of improving the health of the population, enhancing patient experiences and outcomes, and reducing the per capita cost of care, and to improving provider experience.
By demystifying healthcare problems, we hope to activate both the public and healthcare professionals to help us accelerate changes leading to health and healthcare improvements worldwide. Our discussions cover various topics such as healthcare delivery, health equity, quality, and social justice. The podcast features solutions from around the world and encourages listeners to take action